TYpes of Files
Classification of File .rar .zip .ace .r01 .001 .7z These extensions are quite common and mean that your file(s) are compressed into an "archive". This is just a way of making the files more compact and easier to download. To open any of those archives listed above you can use WinRAR (Make sure you have the latest version) or, the most flexible, PowerArchiver. If you are working with a .zip file, you can also try WinZip. Likewise, with an .ace or .001, you can also try WinAce. .cbr .cbz These are generally comic books in an archive format. What this really means is that one .cbr/.cbz is actually a collection of .jpegs (usually scans of each page of a comicbook), collected into a .rar or .zip archive. That archize is then renamed to .cbr/.cbz so you can ......ociate that file type with your comic book reader (such as FFview or CDisplay). If you find a corrupted archive, you can rename the file into its original type and either a) attempt to fix the error...