
Showing posts from June 17, 2018

Delete a Undeletable folder ?

Can't Delete a folder ? Simply a folder that cant be deleted by the user is known as undeletable folder . But dont worry we will discuss the delete option also. Steps: 1. Go to cmd. 2. Change to the directory that you want. 3. Assume i change to D: 4. So, in Command Prompt, type D: and [enter]. 5. Type in this command "md \lpt1\\" without quotes and press enter. 6. The folder will now in your D: 7. Go and try and delete or rename it, you cannot do anything to it. There are still many names that you can use to name the folder: -lpt1 until lpt9 -CON -AUX  To delete it: 1. Go to Command Prompt again. 2. Navigate to the directory. 3. Type in "rd \lpt1\\" to delete folder. Other method Note:- Practice in virtual box